Sunday, September 03, 2006


It's taken me a bit to get caught up on everything since the great blackout ( my week without internet, lol). I thought instead of diving into something new I would post on one of my favorite bands of all time. The almighty Curve. Curve was always one of those bands that just never seemed to catch the right breaks in my opinion. No matter how good of a single or EP, or how awesome an album they put out, they just did not get the same reverence as a Lush, or a Jesus and Mary Chain, or hell, a Slowdive (maybe Chapterhouse? lol). As the 90's wore on, corporate pop shit like Garbage would do the same thing that Curve was doing and make millions off of it. Where's the justice in this world? Seriously though, Toni and Dean put out some of the best songs during the shoegaze heyday of the 90's and much like Lush, they shifted their sound a bit as the genre was winding its shot at mainstream popularity down. I still remember the first time I encountered Curve on MTV's 120 Minutes. Good old Dave Kendall showed the video for Coast is Clear and I was hooked. So here's some of my favorite Curve songs, I hope you can take from them enough interest to go out and find some of their albums. I know you'll not be disappointed if you do.

MP3: Curve - Already Yours

MP3: Curve - Think & Act

MP3: Curve - I Speak Your Every Word

MP3: Curve - No Escape From Heaven

And here's a few videos I found on YouTube. God that place is great.

Curve - Fait Accompli

Curve - Clipped

Curve - Ten Little Girls

Curve - Coast is Clear

Curve - Horror Head

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

totally agree. always wondered what happened to them!