Monday, July 31, 2006

Sunny Day Sets Fire

I've been wanting to post today's songs for a while now but never really got around to doing it. They come from a London based band called Sunny Day Sets Fire. And I gotta tell you, the name fits the band and their music style really well. They make the sort of happy-clappy, foot-tappy sound. It really sucks at times hearing a band when they are first starting out since they have so little material to hear. But its also a good thing knowing you are in on the ground floor for something that you just know is going to be great. I've seen Neutral Milk Hotel tossed around on some blogs talking about this band, but I don't really see the comparison that much. This band is good, but I for one don't toss around those three words lightly to compare anyone. Course, a friend one time got me to first listen to the Decemberists by saying they're the second coming of NMH, so who knows, lol? Anyways, today's tracks are good, really good. Enjoy!

MP3: Sunny Day Sets Fire - Wilderness

MP3: Sunny Day Sets Fire - Brainless (my fave, naturally!)

Join them on myspace and check out their homepage here.

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